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Bo Shen

Principal Investigator | Presidential Assistant Professor 

Dr. Bo Shen received his B.S. in Chemistry from Nankai University in 2013 under advisor Prof. Bin Zhao. He then moved to the United States to pursue his Ph.D. at Brown University under the supervision of Prof. Shouheng Sun, where he focused on materials design for permanent nanomagnets and electrocatalysis applications. From 2019 to 2024, Dr. Shen worked as an International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN) postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University with Prof. Chad A. Mirkin. His research involved the high-throughput synthesis of nanomaterials using nanolithography, screening their properties, and utilizing machine learning to accelerate materials discovery. In January 2025, Dr. Shen will begin his independent career as a Presidential Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at City University of Hong Kong.

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